Saturday, December 09, 2006

part two of a series

A hat for a sister. Its some kinda Swell.
Pattern: Swell from Knitty summer 06
Yarn: Farmhouse Yarns from Hopyard Spinnery, Andy's Merino
Needles: size 6 circulars, loving that magic loop for hats
Notes & changes: Heavier yarn. I was near gauge for the stitches but row wise? Gaugeyness. I moved the wave down by a few rows, and added lining in a color called Wine Rose (but I'd have named it Blood Orange).

The pattern has the first row with earflaps attached purl all the way around but I knit the earflap stitches in that round to avoid a a ridge where it joins the hat. After completing the hat as written, I knit earflaps and about 2 " of body in the orangey yarn, then cast it off. Its attached to the hat edge with whip stitch using a darning needle. When I attached the lining around the inside of the hat I used a crochet hook to pull the darker blue yarn through the stitches, somehow it was easier for me to line up the colors. It gave me a better tension than the needle stitching did. You can see how its kind of wonky in spots. I hope its passing as a touch of the hand rather than a touch of incompetence.
And lastly: I'm loving the lining. Now the earflaps are thick enough to keep the wind out and it gets rid of any residual curl. Blocking would have flattened them but I kept thinking of Sister Bertrille.
For us members of the Chronically Indecisive Club,lining's an extra chance for color in a non-dominating way. I'm still working on my left handed knitting and did some reverse stockinette , which came out strange looking. The nice thing about lining? Its all inside. I am undecided about a tassle on top, the slightly
HoJo-esque side strings are probably enough whimsy. Maybe I'll offer the option when she opens it for the first night of Chanukah, this Friday.
Back soon with part three. Its a felting venture. Cross your fingers for me.


  1. I like your version more than the original. The varigated yarn seems to really make feel more alive. I'm also digging the orange lining; very cool.

  2. It's great! I love the colors blending in the side strings.

    Looks tres snug and cosy.

  3. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Wonderful hat!! I especially love the complimentary lining. Lucky sister!!

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Love this thing. I also think it would look cool with blanket stitch. Extra snaps to you for doing ANYTHING that is hidden on the inside of anything. And for using the received spelling of your made-up word! xox Kay

  5. I love it! The colors and everything else about it are AWESOME!

  6. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I've been off the computer for a few weeks and am just getting caught up with your recent postings. All I can say is, your sister's hat -- perfect, your nerd outing -- about time, your make-it-up-scarf -- fabulous, and your dog carrier -- hilarious. You're on a roll!

  7. I love it! I've been searching all over the 'net for a man's earflap hat pattern that my 17 year old son and his pals would say was cool. You've got it! Love the high-colored earflap lining and the simple overhand stitch detail. Thanks!


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