Is that not a beautiful stack of red scarfery ?
Collected at my hangout Knit New Haven, sent off to the Orphan Foundation of America for the Red Scarf project. To synopsize: the OFA does support and advocacy for foster kids who are now in college. Among the OFA's activities is sending care packages to 2500+ college kids for Valentine's Day. Each includes a handknit scarf, donated by knitters; a personal touch that truly matters to kids who have no "from home" to call.
If you're sort of smacking yourself in the head and saying "oh noooo, I meant to knit one but ran out of time", no worries. There's next year. Even better: the scarf goal was met, but donations to the Red Scarf Fund are way down . These kids are on stripped down stipends, and the fund helps with small needs as well as emergencies that crop up: your printer's out of ink, your glasses break, you lose your dorm key card and need to pay $35. to get a new one, you have a job interview but no tie... even simple things like needing cough drops and chapstick become a problem when you're on a super tight budget.
So, here's my suggestion: if you meant to knit a scarf but didn't, hit the donation button here with whatever you might have spent on yarn and postage. See? No knitters' guilt.
Ok now let's talk scarves. I knit the one around the (ahem, thanks Dave) awesome model's neck. It's just a stretch of mistake rib in Brown Sheep Lambs Pride, Wine Splash. Really liked this yarn. Glad I have a half skein left to play with.
Every year I'm struck by the wide variety of patterns & yarns people choose, and how many I ooh and ahh over. There's a crocheted cotton one on the bottom that'll be perfect for a wool sensitive student. And you can't blame me for being thrilled to see the Lamar scarf, in the center, knit by Stacey of Fresh Stitches.
Now, back to work. Is anyone else suffering from extreme procastination-itis with a side order of monkey-mind this week?